现代快报讯(记者 卢河燕)为了让在苏外国友人及时了解最新疫情发展情况,江苏省外办联合现代快报,在中文疫情通报的基础上,推出英语、日语和韩语三个语种的疫情通报。今日通报如下:
疫情风险等级提醒 截至11月29日17时,全国有1个高风险地区,12个中风险地区:高风险地区(1个):内蒙古呼伦贝尔市(1个):满洲里市东山街道。中风险地区(12个):云南省德宏傣族景颇族自治州(2个):瑞丽市弄岛镇等秀村委会等秀村民小组,畹町镇国防街片区(东至和平街、南至民主街和环东路、西至正阳路、北至国防街)。辽宁省大连市(5个):甘井子区中华路街道兴利社区华锦名苑小区10号楼,南关岭街道姚兴社区姚北路25号;庄河市兰店乡金场村十八点屯;金普新区先进街道响泉社区万科城小区D区11号楼,站前街道南棉社区南棉路358号楼。上海市浦东新区(2个):花木街道锦绣路1650弄香梅花园一期小区,三林镇海阳路1080弄香樟苑小区。上海市青浦区(1个):青浦区赵巷镇业文路189弄西郊锦庐小区。内蒙古呼伦贝尔市(1个):满洲里市南区街道。内蒙古通辽市(1个):科尔沁区钱家店镇孔家村。境外(除澳门地区为低风险外)仍全部为高风险地区。
Latest Update on COVID-19 Dynamics in Jiangsu as of 24:00 November 29
Between 00:00 and 24:00 of November 29, neither new confirmed case nor asymptomatic carrier was reported in Jiangsu.
At present, 17 confirmed cases are under isolated treatment at designated hospitals (all inbound cases), and five asymptomatic carriers (one local and four inbound ones) are under medical observation.
From January 22, 2020 to November 29, 2021, 1,619 confirmed COVID-19 cases (including 164 inbound ones) have been reported in Jiangsu cumulatively.
The latest update on COVID-19 risk levels: As of 17:00 of November 29, there had been one high-risk area and 12 medium-risk areas across the Chinese mainland.
High-risk area (1): Hulun Buir City, Inner Mongolia: Yiyuan Community, Dongshan Subdistrict, Manzhouli
Medium-risk areas (12): Dehong Dai and Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province (2): Ruili City: Dengxiu Villager Group, Dengxiu Village Committee, Nongdao Township Guofang Street Area, Wanding Township (to the east of Heping Road, south of Hehuan East Road of Minzhu Street, west of Zhengyang Road and north of Guofang Street)
Dalian City, Liaoning Province (5): Ganjinzi District: No. 10 Building, Huajin Mingyuan Residential Area, Xingli Community, Zhonghualu Subdistrict No.25 Yaobei Road, Yaoxing Community, Nanguanling Subdistrict
Zhuanghe County-level City: Shibadiantun, Jinchang Village, Landian Town
Jinpu New Area: No. 11 Building, Vankocity Residential Area D Zone, Xiangquan Community, Xianjin Subdistrict No. 358 Building, Nanmian Road, Nanmian Community, Zhanqian Subdistrict
Pudong New Area, Shanghai (2): Huamu Subdistrict: Phase 1 Xiangmeihuayuan Residential Area, No. 1650 Jinxiu Road Sanlin County: No. 1080 Haiyang Road, Xiangzhangyuan Residential Area
Qingpu District, Shanghai (1): Jinlu Residential Area, No.189 Zhaoxiang Zhenyewen Road
Hulun Buir City, Inner Mongolia (1): Nanqu Subdistrict, Manzhouli
Tongliao City, Inner Mongolia (1): Kongjia Village, Qianjiadian Town, Ke’erqin District
All regions outside the Chinese mainland (except Macao, which was at low risk level) remained high-risk areas.
Experts note that: As new confirmed cases are recently reported in certain areas of the Chinese mainland, we are now facing the complexity of epidemic control and the greater challenges brought by the Delta variant with fast spread and rapid replication in the human body and long time needed to turn negative. Everyone bears the primary responsibility for their own health. We shall not slacken the effort to beat COVID-19. It is necessary to continue with protective measures and closely follow information on dynamics of the virus and changes to medium and high-risk regions from official sources. Do not believe in or spread rumors. Please support COVID-19 prevention and control measures and remain vigilant against the coronavirus given the recent occurrences of locally transmitted cases.
1. Please provide needed information in time and support COVID-19 prevention and control measures. Avoid unnecessary trips to overseas areas, medium and high-risk regions and regions where locally confirmed cases occur. Those coming/returning to Jiangsu from areas with locally confirmed cases, newly reported ones in particular, or those whose travel histories overlap those of the confirmed cases or asymptomatic carriers, should inform their employers, communities (villages) or hotels upon arrival in Jiangsu as soon as possible (within no more than two hours recommended) and cooperate in providing information, and conducting nucleic acid tests and isolated medical observation.
2. Seek inoculation. Inoculation is the most effective way against COVID-19, and helps build herd immunity, mitigate the pandemic’s impacts and end its spread, thus protecting your and your family’s health. Please take the vaccination on time and in order following the instructions of your community or employer as well as the inoculation procedures. People in high-risk situations are advised to get the booster jab in time.
3. Maintain routine prevention and control. Keep the mask on, especially in crowded places with poor ventilation, as winter brings about higher incidence of respiratory infections. Please cooperate in checking body temperature and keep a one-meter distance away from others when you are in public areas such as malls, restaurants, hotels, cinemas and sport stadiums. Properly wear your mask when taking the elevator, public transport and when going to hospitals where you may meet patients with fever or respiratory symptoms, and medical practitioners and transport practitioners in high-risk conditions should especially follow this rule.
4. Increase awareness of personal prevention. Maintain good habits for health such as washing hands regularly, wearing a mask, ventilating rooms more often, reducing gatherings, using serving chopsticks, and dining separately. Seek medical treatment in line with regulatory procedures as soon as possible when symptoms such as fever, dry cough, fatigue, nasal congestion, nasal discharge, sore throat, reduced sense of smell and taste, conjunctivitis (pink eye), muscle pain and diarrhea show, and inform medical staff of your whereabouts and contact history over the previous 14 days. Keep the mask on and avoid using public transport when seeking treatment.
11月29日0時から24時までの間、江蘇省では海外から入国した新型コロナウイルス肺炎(COVID-19)新規確定感染者がゼロ、新規の無症状の感染者がゼロと確認される。 これまで指定病院で隔離治療を受けている確定患者は17人(いずれも海外から入国した感染者)、医学的観察を受けている無症状の感染者が5人(地元感染者が1人、海外から入国した感染者が4人)と確認されている。
感染リスクレベル注意 11月29日17時まで、全国域内にハイリスク地域が1つ、ミドルリスク地域が12ある:ハイリスク地域(1つ) :内モンゴル自治区フルンボイル市(1つ):満州里東山街道ミドルリスク(12):雲南省徳宏タイ族チンポー族自治州(2つ):瑞麗市弄島鎮等秀村委員会等村民チーム;畹町鎮国防街エリア(東が和平街まで、南が民主街と東側環状線まで、西が正陽路まで、北が国防街まで)。遼寧省大連市(5つ):甘井子区中華路街道興利コミュニティ華錦名苑団地10号ビル、南関嶺街道姚興コミュニティ姚北路25号;蘭店郷金場村十八点屯、金普新区先進街道響泉コミュニティ万科城団地D区11号ビル;駅前街道南棉コミュニティ南棉路358号ビル。上海市浦東新区(2つ):花木街道錦繡路1650弄香梅花園フェーズ1団地、三林鎮海陽路1080弄香樟苑団地。上海市青浦区(1つ):青浦区趙巷鎮業文路189弄西郊錦盧団地。内モンゴル自治区フルンボイル市(1つ):満州里南区街道弁事処阜城コミュニティ内モンゴル通遼市(1つ):ホルチン区銭家店鎮孔家村。 中国大陸部以外の地域(ローリスクであるマカオ特別行政区を除く)全域は依然としてハイリスク地域である。
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